Short Story

Ioanna is a four-year-old girl, who is fighting the greatest battle of her life, since she has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, an aggressive type of blood cancer. The little girl is currently hospitalized in the pediatric oncology ward of a public hospital, where she is being subjected to her third chemo round. Little Ioanna’s mother has temporarily abandoned her job in order to be close to her little girl, who is fighting the greatest battle of her life. Furthermore, the mother needs to find a new home, which will be suitable to accommodate Ioanna once she gets discharged, since the family is currently living in a small and damp house, which has been deemed unsuitable by the social services.

Little Ioanna is battling cancer and she needs us by her side!

by test test

  • 15.000,00 

    Funding Goal
  • 19.832,02 

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

test test

138 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Ioanna is a four-year-old girl, who is fighting the greatest battle of her life, since she has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Up till recently, the little girl was perfectly healthy. However, everything changed this past summer, when the child suddenly developed a fever, combined with bleeding gum and petechiae on her thighs. Little Ioanna’s mother immediately visited the ER of the local hospital. Her tests however were alarming, therefore the child had to be rushed to a Children’s hospital of Athens. There, she was subjected to further tests, the results however were a punch in the gut: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, an aggressive type of blood cancer.

The little girl is currently hospitalized in the pediatric oncology ward of a public hospital, where she is being subjected to her third chemo round. So far, the child is responding to the treatments, however she is exhausted by the powerful chemotherapy drugs. Little Ioanna’s mother has temporarily abandoned her job in order to be close to her little girl, who is fighting the greatest battle of her life. Furthermore, the mother needs to find a new home, which will be suitable to accommodate Ioanna once she gets discharged, since the family is currently living in a small and damp house, which has been deemed unsuitable by the social services.

Ioanna’s mother has been doing everything in her power, in order to raise her daughter with dignity. Today however, she needs our support, since she has now lost her only source of income, and she is unable to cope with the needs that have arisen. Together, we have the power to help her. Any contribution can make a great difference!


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You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “IOANNA 057”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF41917199057057057057057 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “IOANNA 057”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.










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